4 + 1 you Should Know about Louses!
The school is back, kids are preparing for the sudden comeback and parents already wonder how they can help the make the best possible start for the new school year. But there are other things that trouble their minds too – and lice is one of them.
Several statistics reveal that 1 out of 20 children get lice each fall, with an important number of them transmitted the bug to the rest member of the family.
Truth be told, something like that could have a nasty effect on the quality of your daily life, having grave consequences for the child’s grades and overall performance at school, as well as the parent’s performance at work.
The solution? Prevention of course! Proper prevention always starts with accurate knowledge. Below, you will discover 5 very interesting facts about flies you probably didn’t know.
Indeed, there are several different kinds of lice out there, but the one that infects us is the species known as Pediculus humanus capitis, or, in simple words, the lice of the human scalp. This particular type of louse resides at our hair follicles, where it finds protection and adequate warmth that allows it to survive and multiply, while feeding with human blood.
Something that is generally unknown to most people is that this particular type of louse can infect not just the scalp, but also our eyebrows and eyelashes! Still, their favourite spot usually is the back side of the head and behind the ears, where they are harder to reach and, consequently, better protected.
The average life of a louse is just 40 days, but the female can give birth to up to 10 eggs per day! To help them survive, the caring mama-louse excretes a certain substance helps the egg remain firmly attached to hair follicle. This is why cutting your hair really short won’t solve the problem. It gets reed of the grown lice, but not of their eggs!
If you ever fancy to see a louse with a microscope you will discover that they have thin yet robust claws that allow it to move very quickly onto our skin and amidst our hair, as well as from one head to another.
Remember thought that lice are not fleas and cannot jump from one head to another. To get lice, your hair must come in contact with the hair of an infected person, or touch the surface of an object that has been in contact with the hair of an infected person, like a hat, a cap, or a pillow.
There is no doubt that prevention is much preferable to treatment, but, unfortunately, the risk can only be reduced, never eliminated!
In the unpleasant event that your child gets lice, it is important to remember that the only effective way to deal with is a proper pharmaceutical treatment. As mentioned above, a haircut, even a really short one, will not get the job done.
Check out here that full series of our anti-lice treatments by Parapharmacie, which guarantee immediate and excellent results, without causing any irritation to the sensitive skin of your children.
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