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Get Rid of the Lice Once and For All - 5 Useful Tips

by in Health
September 9 2020         2 Minute read

The fall is coming and, along with its charms, it brings some worries too, especially for the parents that prepare to send their children to school.  One of them -probably the most annoying of all- is the notorious lice!  

While they do not pose a grave threat to our health, getting rid of them is a hassle, both for the parents and the children, which is a by itself a pretty good reason to take measures.  

Besides, as you will see, you can protect yourselves from lice effectively and easily with the following 5 simple and proven ways...  

1. Take it... Personally!  

Apply the following rule - and teach your children to follow it to the letter: never borrow or lend anything related to your hair, for hygiene reasons. From combs, brushes, ribbons and berets to hats, caps, muffles, and bandannas, we strictly use our own and never lend them; if we absolutely have to, we never use them unless we wash them first.  

This applies to siblings too - each one should use his or her own!  Thus, in case one of them gets lice, you will minimise the risk of them spreading to the rest members of the family.  

In Parapharmacie you will find a great variety and beautiful designs of hairbrushes.  See more here.


2. Avoid Close Contact... For One More Reason

While the coronavirus taught us to keep some distances, children must remember that, during the fall, they should, either way, avoid bringing their hair to close contact with the hair of other children in school. Bear in mind that lice neither jump nor fly; they move by crawling and attaching themselves to hair strands.  Hence, keeping distances is excellent protection.   

3. The ponytail is a “Must” this Fall 

Ask your kids to make their hair into a ponytail during the fall, especially when they are in school.  The looser the hair, the easier it is for lice to attach to them.   

4. Beds and Pillows

Help the children understand how important it is to avoid lying on beds, pillows or carpets when visiting other houses - for obvious reasons!   


5. Use Preventive Anti-Lice Treatments 

If we learned anything so far, is that prevention is better than cure. One of the most effective preventive measures against lice is the use of products for lice prevention! 

Hence, precaution is another efficient way to keep unwanted visitors away from the hair of our little friends, especially now that school starts! 

In the renewed Parapharmacie e-shop you can find a full range of excellent anti-lice products - designed both for prevention and cure.   

See more here and benefit from our unique offers!