Bad breath is one of the most common and, usually, temporary affection of the oral cavity. It often indicates that something is wrong with our teeth and gum hygiene routine, while, less frequently, it can develop as a symptom of another disease. What’s certain is that this symptom appears in most people at least once or twice in their lifetime.
Bad breath is usually associated with the development of bacteria inside the mouth. The consumption of certain foods (mostly rich in fat and sugar) and alcohol, combined with careless or irregular brushing and zero flossing, easily boosts their number inside the oral cavity. It is far from mere coincidence that caries, in most cases, has bad breath as its main symptom. Smoking surely aggravates the problem too.
Naturally, genetic predisposition has a hand in bad breath, for it seems that some people tend to develop this problem more often, even though bodily care and oral hygiene have priority in their lives.
Let’s see 6 practical and useful tips for fresher breath.
- Brush more often
If you have this awkward feel caused by poor breath, brush your teeth as often as possible. Fluorine fights infections naturally, before they spread, and stops the growth of microbes hidden behind and between the teeth. The fresh feel after each brush will revive your much-needed confidence. Experts recommend brushing your teeth at least twice a day in cases of persisting bad breath - especially after each meal.
- Use dental floss
The use of dental floss is necessary for areas that are hard to reach with the toothbrush. With back-and-forth movements, “hug” each tooth softly with the floss and free it from any food residue… “besieging” it.
- Brush your tongue
The tongue is an equally important organ, which we often think it… cleans up by itself. This is wrong, of course, since brushing is not just for the teeth. Tongue’s peculiar, embossed morphology and the significant space it takes up inside the oral cavity often cause it to absorb elements associated with poor breath. That’s why diligent brushing across the tongue improves oral hygiene and, naturally, ensures a fresher breath.
- Drink water often
Water is the most important natural ally for a beautiful and healthy body, and it couldn’t but make wonders for our breath too. Water consumption ensures proper hydration and helps in counteracting and breaking down fat foods that are hard to remove while detoxifying the body. Research has shown that, in cases of bad breath, water plays an important role, boosting the production of saliva and averting xerostomia. Besides, the drier the cavity, the more probable bad breath is.
- Use mouthwash
Mouthwash complements the protection of dental and gum health, while its liquid form allows it to enter areas not reached by the toothbrush and floss. Its antiseptic and disinfecting effect is strengthened by the pleasant feel generated by natural ingredients, like Mastiha, basil, and mint.
- Sugar-free chewing gums
For more immediate solutions, when you don’t have the time or means to brush your teeth, a mint- or spearmint-flavoured chewing gum will stimulate the production of more saliva inside the mouth, thus helping the removal of any food trapped there feeding the microbes. Saliva is rich in oxygen, an element that microbes hate. Just make sure that your chewing gum is sugar-free! Otherwise, you will just serve another treat to the microbes!
Aside from these tips, and in case bad breath persists, a full mouth deep cleaning by your dentist could shed more light on the actual cause of the problem.
So, don’t hesitate to get the proper branded products for oral hygiene that you will find in the Parapharmacie e-shop, benefit from its amazing offers and bring back those confident smiles of yours!
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