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Vitamin C: 3 + 1 Benefits for our Skin!

by in Beauty
June 8 2021         2 Minute read

No doubt you think of fresh orange juice when you hear of vitamin C, don’t you?  The ultimate weapon against viruses, as well as many other threats, Vitamin C is indeed a true pillar of the overall health of our body.  Besides boosting our immune system, its benefits, when combined with an overall healthy diet, can strengthen our body from head to toe!

So, aside from boosting the hematopoietic function of our body, this important vitamin serves as a multi-tool, recreating skin tissues, strengthening the metabolism, protecting the bones and giving a positive mood!  The only bad thing about it is that our body cannot compose it by itself, so we need to lay a hand by consuming foods that have plenty of it, like tomatoes, lemons, strawberries, spinach, and, of course... oranges (mom is wise, remember that!). 

What is less known however about vitamin C is that it helps the health of our skin, visibly reducing the wrinkles caused by time, exhaustion and air pollutants. In fact, over the last years, a growing number of dermatologists recommend vitamin C supplements to compensate for these skin incongruities. 

Read below how it can help your skin and make it look fresh and healthy!

              It boosts skin glow

Vitamin C can reduce the discolourations often created in the skin due to acme, sun exposure, and age. Taking adequate vitamin C helps the body lift a natural shield and alleviate those signs, evening out their final appearance. In the meantime, the skin gets brighter, beaming glow and firmness.

              Antioxidant effect

Vitamin C has an antioxidant effect against the toxins developing inside the body when the latter interacts with the environment. This aberration, also known as oxidant stress, can cause serious maladies. Vitamin C eliminates the effect of these chemical compounds produced by our body when exposed to harmful external conditions, such as solar radiation, polluted air etc. Vitamin C controls the creation of free radicals so that they do not exceed the rate that is safe and beneficial for the body.

              It boosts collagen production 

As years pass, our body decelerates the rate of collagen production in the skin tissues. This practically means that the skin looks growingly loose and less elastic. Vitamin C can not only renew the cells to boost its production, but also ensure that the current levels do not drop. 

              Reduces signs

The signs on the skin increase as we grow, because the body secretes greater quantities of melanin. By providing adequate quantities of vitamin C to the tissues, we reduce melanin’s production rate and, combined with the aforementioned qualities of the vitamin, we achieve a uniform, soft, smooth, and beautiful skin!

All the above benefits show how important vitamin C is for the pampering, care, beauty and well-being of our body. Parapharmacie offers select branded products and many discounts on vitamin C compounds to make you look and feel great! So, don’t wait any longer, start browsing!