All women dream of luscious, full lips, that would entice with their sensuality and charm. Lips are the emblem of femininity, and that’s why we love enhancing them not just in our night makeup, but in all formal or and informal occasions of our life.
According to several studies, the harmony of facial characteristics, especially full and expressive lips are among the first signs of attracting the opposite sex. This, of course, is not a rule in our days, since looking beautiful and pretty aims at nothing more than feeling good with ourselves! It is equally important with being admired by others.
So, now that the summer draws near and going out will soon become a favourite routine, it would be good to take special care and pamper our lips since the sun, humidity, and heat make a strong... cocktail that could dry them out and dehydrate them.
Following the useful tips below on how to apply your makeup, you will be able to have wonderful, healthy, and luscious lips all day, that will instantly make an impression!
• Proper hydration and exfoliation
Like with all other parts of the body, dead cells accumulate on the lips and affect their appearance. To restore their natural look, you need a nice facial cleansing and deep exfoliation. Use a small and soft toothbrush and spread a special exfoliation product on your lips with gentle, circular moves. If you want a purer product, you can have the same result by applying sugar and honey and brushing gently the surface of your lips. Once you’re done, spread a special product for proper hydration to restore natural humidity to the area.
• Use concealer
Your favourite concealer can help too, since even a small quantity around the edges will make the natural lip line fade smoothly. So, if you have small lips, you could fill them up better with more lipstick or lip gloss. Furthermore, the concealer has a stabilising effect, retaining the applied lipstick for longer. Just make sure to spread it very well, to avoid chinks and dryness on the lips.
• Outline your lips properly
Outlining was rather popular during the ‘90s and early ‘00s and for good reason! It may require some practice to get a natural look, but it adds extra volume to the lips. Pick a lip liner of the same colour with your lipstick and guide it slightly outside the natural line of your lips. Then fill the lips with lipstick as usual. You’ll see that you have created a visual effect of much fuller lips in the easiest way possible!
• Add glow with lip gloss
We love the lip gloss because its wet and glowing look adds volume to the lips. To ensure the desired result, we need just a few touches with the brush on the centre or the lower lip. If you don’t want the lip gloss to overshadow your lipstick, prefer a clear lip gloss.
From the first lipstick launched in a tube in 1915 and the iconic presence of Marilyn Monroe’s sensual lips to today’s pump challenges by Kylie Jenner, everything attests that full lips make us look sexier, more beautiful, more attractive and that they have a great positive impact on our psychology and behaviour.
Trust Parapharmacie to find all the branded products and offers that will make your lips glow with beauty and health!
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