- Calcaneal spur or pain.
- Arthritis relief in the leg joints, hip or knee-prosthesis relief.
- Achillodynia – tendomyopathy.
- Haglund's deformity – partial relief.
- Leg length differences up to approx. 1 cm (evening out).
PRODUCT RANGE: Size is determined by shoe size.
If chronic heel and ankle pain goes untreated, the pain can spread to the knee, hip and spine. ViscoSpot acts as a shock absorber and protects the joints with every step. The anatomically contoured heel cushions relieve stress with the aid of three zones made of material with different levels of firmness. -The innermost zone is the white spot – a particularly soft zone that absorbs pressure at the root of the pain, the sensitive region directly around the heel spur. -The blue zone around the white spot is somewhat firmer and relieves the tendon insertion on the sole of the foot. This helps to ease irritation or inflammation more quickly. -The firm grey zone around the outside gently guides the hindfoot when taking steps and softly supports it during heel-to-toe movements. This promotes natural running and walking gaits without inappropriate mechanical stress. -The transitions between the three pressure relief zones are very smooth thanks to a special wave-shaped connection (PowerWave) and cannot be felt on the heel.